Lets try a face now :D

Potrait drawing
When I put the photo and the photo of the drawing next to each other, I more then even see the differences. Might be a good way to improve the positioning of the initial shape sketches, just to see how accurate the drawing really is.


Here is mine :)

"Oh no! Working on BA:R units has infected FireStorm with Low Poly Syndrome. The Humanity!" 

My goal is a ceramic mask. I'm going to coat it with a thin layer of clay, and then go from there.

(Original by kongorilla)


WIP mask

I put about 3 layers of hairspray on it now. It seems to be a little more stable, but not much. I'll keep spraying it on today, see how it goes :D

(Original by kongorilla)

Lets draw an eye :D

the eye of the tigress by BA_Baracus (Pencil HB 6B and 8B + eraser)

Start with the outlines and dimensions (measure & measure)

Put in the darkest area's

Fade out the darkest area's and check for improvement.
Add whiteness with eraser on the lightest area's

Result after using HB-2B pencil

Add darkness with a 6B-8B pencil, or even charcoal

Keep adjust look for area's that are not quite right.
And voilá we got ourselfs and eye!

XENO Buggy Stingy Spidey

XENO Spidey

Only have one head yet, but I wanted to show these anyway :)

XENO Buggy

Modular or 'Lego style' space bugs (aka chickens or monsters) faction development.
This is the first one. Working title: Buggy :)

CORE Commando

Revisiting the core commando (and considering texturing it.)