Here I'm showing some of my modelling process as a response for this forum thread

Here I was thinking of the Dune2 Carryall, but after placing muck-up feet I thought they would get in the way of things that would be transported. So game mechanics changed the first design.
I like to make a copy/duplicate with most steps I make, so I can always easily go a step back when it doesn't work out, or rapidly make different variants of the same idea. Pieces float around the centre of the model like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle waiting to be integrated in the right spot. Some never do and are deleted... Or end up in the library.

I like to save unused and proven pieces alike in a constellation I call my library. They help make new units quicker and ensure they are somewhat consistent with the other units. While the library grows, the need for concept art or a reference photo becomes less, although after a while the library is exhausted when stuff starts to look alike to much and then its time to completely start from scratch again.
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